I encourage a problem when writing a unit tests which checks if function returns valid results while joining two tables. I have the following scenario: I have 2 tables, named they Folder and Item, Folder can has multiple items. Theirs DDL looks like this:
create table Folder
( varchar(max) Name,
int User_Id,
int Id primary key
create table Item
( int Id primary key,
varchar(max) Data,
int User_Id,
int Folder_id foreign key Folder(Id)
And I want to gather all 'data' from items which belongs to folders which names starts with some prefix. So I write following function which works fine and returns valid results.
string GetDatas(string prefix, int userId) //_db is injected, this function is a part of a DatasProvider class
dynamic folder;
return _db.dbo.Item.FindAllByUser_Id(userId)
.Join(_db.dbo.Folder, out folder)
.On(_db.dbo.Item.Folder_id == folder.Id)
And I write a unit test to check if the function works fine, my spec looks like this:
public class Spec
private static dynamic _db;
private static IList<string> result;
private const int userId = 14;
private const string validPrefix = "dd";
private const int validFolderId = 22;
private const int invalidFolderId = 33;
private static readonly List<string> validData = new List<string>()
private static readonly List<string> invalidData = new List<string>()
public class When_getting_data : Observes<DatasProvider>
public Establish context = () =>
Database.UseMockAdapter(new InMemoryAdapter());
_db = Database.Open();
_db.dbo.Folder.Insert(Id: validFolderId, User_Id: userId, Name: validPrefix + "4231142");
_db.dbo.Folder.Insert(Id: invalidFolderId, User_Id: userId, Name: "4321" + validPrefix + "4231142");
for (int i = 0; i < validData.Count; ++i)
_db.dbo.Item.Insert(Id: i, User_Id: userId, Folder_Id: validFolderId, Data: validData[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < invalidData.Count; ++i)
_db.dbo.Item.Insert(Id: i + validData.Count, User_Id: userId, Folder_Id: invalidFolderId, Data: invalidData[i]);
private Because of = () => result = sut.GetDatas(userId, validPrefix);
private It should_return_valid_datas_count = () => result.Count.ShouldEqual(validData.Count);
private It should_return_valid_datas = () => result.ShouldContainOnly(validData);
private It should_not_return_invalid_datas = () => result.ShouldNotContain(invalidData);
But the specs failes because function GetDatas return 0 results. When I debbug code I find out that It finds all Items for a user, but when I want to get all folder names associated with this items which belongs to a user I get a list with a valid number of results, but with a null values inside for each result.. Is there something I should do extra to make the tests works like it should?
I also try to specify master/detail in db adapter, but it does nothing..
var adapter = new InMemoryAdapter();
adapter.Join.Master("Folder", "Id").Detail("Item", "Folder_Id");
I fix my problem, by changing a portion of code to gather data to this:
dynamic folder;
return _db.Item.FindAllByUser_Id(userId)
.Join(_db.Folder, out folder)
.On(_db.Item.Folder_Id == folder.Id)
and via specifing an adapter with relationship in a test
var adapter = new InMemoryAdapter();
adapter.Join.Master("Folder", "Id").Detail("Item", "Folder_Id");
_db = Database.Open();