I'm trying to make a script that takes in an answer and appends it to a new list, then checks to see if the new list is the same as the other list. When these lists are the same, the while loop should break.
NOTE: Each question should not repeat.
Here's my code:
import random
questions = ['a','b','c','d','e']
answered_q = []
while len(answered_q) < len(questions):
question = random.choice(questions)
raw_input = str(input(question + ": "))
if sorted(questions) == sorted(answered_q):
When executed I am still getting random questions but the code does not break when the lists have the same contents.
output :
If anyone can help it would be great! Thanks in advance!
I think what you really want to do is only append to your new list if the element to be added isn't already in there, so add a check for that.
while len(answered_q) < len(questions):
question = random.choice(questions)
if question not in answered_q:
raw_input = str(input(question + ": "))
if sorted(questions) == sorted(answered_q):
Of course, under this scheme, the loop should end even without the last if-statement because the length of the two lists will be equal by the time the two sorted lists will be equal.