I have an SVN repo with a normal trunk/branches/tags layout. For my git I want to ignore the trunk & tags folder. I just want to have the branches as git branches nothing more.
/trunk (empty)
/tags (full of stuff I want to ignore)
I tried simply cloning the svn using
git svn clone [REPO] -stdlayout
Unfortunately my client has not commited anything into the trunk so I get the error "refs/remotes/origin/trunk not a valid SHA1" I read that no commit into the trunk results in that error.
My question is: How can I only use the branches folder1 & folder2 to create a new git with said branches.
Thanks, Michael
You obviously don't need --stdlayout
which implies trunk, branches and tags. Instead you could specify explicitly what you would like to be fetched from svn. Most probably something like this would work for you:
git svn init http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/commons/proper/email --branches=branches/*
git svn fetch
first command will create a .git/config
with svn-remote "svn"
section which you can adjust for your needs.