my data looks like this and I cant figure out how to obtain the column "want". I've tried various combinations of retain, lag and sum functions with no success unfortunately.
month quantity1 quantity2 want
1 a x x+sum(b to l)
2 b y sum(x to y)+sum(c to l)
3 c z sum(x to z)+sum(d to l)
4 d
5 e
6 f
7 g
8 h
9 i
10 j
11 k
12 l
Thank you for any help on this matter
It is convenient to sum quantity1 and then store value to macro variable. Use superfluous' data example:
proc sql;
select sum(qty1) into:sum_qty1 from temp;
data want;
set temp;
if missing(qty2) then want=.;
drop value:;