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g++ and cilkscreen for detecting race condition

I'm trying to use cilkscreen to detect some race conditions in a code. I'm compiling my code using

g++-5 -g foo.cpp -fcilkplus -std=c++14 -lcilkrts -ldl -O2

However, when I launch cilkscreen I get the following error message:

cilkview ./a.out

Cilkview: Generating scalability data
Cilkview Scalability Analyzer V2.0.0, Build 4421
Error: No Cilk code found in program

Should I add some more option to g++ ? Or does cilkscreen only works with code compiled with icc ?

FWIW: I'm using

gcc version 5.3.1 20160301 [gcc-5-branch revision 233849] (SUSE Linux)


  • Cilkscreen/cilkview works only with icc/icpc.