I am migrating my application from Lucene to Solr. Solr handles highlighting a lot better, however if for instance I search the key word "city", I would expect a response like:
"title": "Paris is a beautiful <b>city</b>",
"description": "The <b>city</b> is a great example of......",
while I am getting the following response instead:
"title": "Paris is a beautiful city",
"description": "The city is a great example of......",
"highlighting": {
"fdc3833a-0e4f-4314-ba8c": {
"title": [
"Paris is a beautiful <b>city</b>"
"description": [
"The <b>city</b> is a great example of......"
So as you can see, instead of getting the highlighted term within the result, I am getting an extra section called highlighting and that means that my Java code has to change. My question is: how will I get the highlight snippets in SolrJ?
In SolrJ is possible to get the highlighted snippets using the following code:
public String getHighlightedText(final QueryResponse queryResponse, final String fieldName, final String docId) {
String highlightedText = "";
Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> highlights = queryResponse.getHighlighting();
if (highlights!=null && MapUtils.isNotEmpty(highlights.get(docId))) {
List<String> snippets = highlights.get(docId).get(fieldName);
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(snippets)) {
highlightedText = getFragments(snippets);
return highlightedText;
private static final String getFragments(List<String> snippets){
StringBuilder fragments = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < snippets.size(); i++) {
if (i > 0) {
return fragments.toString();
Please notice that this code will get you the best snippets for single-value fields while you will need some variations for multi-value fields.