I have created the below script to pull stats from the Jelastic api so i can gather resource stats over a time. The end goal is to log the data to a spreadsheet.
Below is my code that handles authenticating and then making the request to GetSumStats
If i run the code, some of the time the results returned are expected.
iops_used: 0,
duration: 3600,
cpumhz: 7,
start: '',
disk: 7857,
mem: 725212,
cpu: 24002,
capacity: 9,
net: { in_int: 96004, out_int: 96004, in_ext: 9181, out_ext: 9395 },
chanksused: 7,
nodeid: 'sum'
But other times the request fails with the error.
{ result: 702,
source: 'JEL',
error: 'not authenticated (different session key)',
stats: [] }
Is this a timing issue or a known issue? Maybe the script is too fast and the API doesn't know about the session id yet? That's why i introduced the setTimeout
var sites = require('./sites.json').sites,
credentials = require('./credentials.json'),
Client = require('node-rest-client').Client,
util = require('./util.js');
(function () {
"use strict";
var client = new Client();
var session;
function login() {
var args = {
parameters: {
appid: sites[2].appId,
login: credentials.email,
password: credentials.password
client.registerMethod("login", "https://app.j.hostapi.co.uk/1.0/users/authentication/rest/signin", "GET");
client.methods.login(args, function (data, response) {
// parsed response body as js object
data = util.parseResponse(data);
session = data.session;
// Tried to pause here in case it was too quick
setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);
function logout() {
var args = {
parameters: {
appid: sites[2].appId,
session: session
client.registerMethod("logout", "https://app.j.hostapi.co.uk/1.0/users/authentication/rest/signout", "GET");
client.methods.logout(args, function (data, response) {
// parsed response body as js object
data = util.parseResponse(data);
// raw response
// Failure here
function getSumStats() {
var args = {
parameters: {
domain: sites[2].domain,
session: session,
duration: 3600
client.registerMethod("getSumStats", "https://app.j.hostapi.co.uk/1.0/environment/control/rest/getsumstat", "GET");
client.methods.getSumStats(args, function (data, response) {
// parsed response body as js object
data = util.parseResponse(data);
You are limited to 1 concurrent login session. The login is pinned by IP / User Agent.
If you need to create multiple concurrent login sessions, you can try using a unique UA per session to avoid conflicts.