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getservbyname failure error while trying to obtain thumbprint for OIDC

Im trying to obtain the certificate for my OIDC IdP (google in my case) and want to download the certificate chain. I have installed and configured OpenSSL and retrieved the IdP's configuration document, using the following:

obviously replacing with

which returned the following:

 "issuer": "",
 "authorization_endpoint": "",
 "token_endpoint": "",
 "userinfo_endpoint": "",
 "revocation_endpoint": "",
 "jwks_uri": "",
 "response_types_supported": [
  "code token",
  "code id_token",
  "token id_token",
  "code token id_token",
 "subject_types_supported": [
 "id_token_signing_alg_values_supported": [
 "scopes_supported": [
 "token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported": [
 "claims_supported": [
 "code_challenge_methods_supported": [

I am only interested in the value of the key jwks_uri which is

Now using the Uri from above I enter the following command in Terminal with hopes to retrieve the certificate chain:

openssl s_client -showcerts -connect

which returns this ghastly, horrible, confusing, insulting response:

getservbyname failure for //
usage: s_client args

 -host host     - use -connect instead
 -port port     - use -connect instead
 -connect host:port - who to connect to (default is localhost:4433)
 -verify_hostname host - check peer certificate matches "host"
 -verify_email email - check peer certificate matches "email"
 -verify_ip ipaddr - check peer certificate matches "ipaddr"
 -verify arg   - turn on peer certificate verification
 -verify_return_error - return verification errors
 -cert arg     - certificate file to use, PEM format assumed
 -certform arg - certificate format (PEM or DER) PEM default
 -key arg      - Private key file to use, in cert file if
                 not specified but cert file is.
 -keyform arg  - key format (PEM or DER) PEM default
 -pass arg     - private key file pass phrase source
 -CApath arg   - PEM format directory of CA's
 -CAfile arg   - PEM format file of CA's
 -no_alt_chains - only ever use the first certificate chain found
 -reconnect    - Drop and re-make the connection with the same Session-ID
 -pause        - sleep(1) after each read(2) and write(2) system call
 -prexit       - print session information even on connection failure
 -showcerts    - show all certificates in the chain
 -debug        - extra output
 -msg          - Show protocol messages
 -nbio_test    - more ssl protocol testing
 -state        - print the 'ssl' states
 -nbio         - Run with non-blocking IO
 -crlf         - convert LF from terminal into CRLF
 -quiet        - no s_client output
 -ign_eof      - ignore input eof (default when -quiet)
 -no_ign_eof   - don't ignore input eof
 -psk_identity arg - PSK identity
 -psk arg      - PSK in hex (without 0x)
 -srpuser user     - SRP authentification for 'user'
 -srppass arg      - password for 'user'
 -srp_lateuser     - SRP username into second ClientHello message
 -srp_moregroups   - Tolerate other than the known g N values.
 -srp_strength int - minimal length in bits for N (default 1024).
 -ssl2         - just use SSLv2
 -ssl3         - just use SSLv3
 -tls1_2       - just use TLSv1.2
 -tls1_1       - just use TLSv1.1
 -tls1         - just use TLSv1
 -dtls1        - just use DTLSv1
 -fallback_scsv - send TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV
 -mtu          - set the link layer MTU
 -no_tls1_2/-no_tls1_1/-no_tls1/-no_ssl3/-no_ssl2 - turn off that protocol
 -bugs         - Switch on all SSL implementation bug workarounds
 -cipher       - preferred cipher to use, use the 'openssl ciphers'
                 command to see what is available
 -starttls prot - use the STARTTLS command before starting TLS
                 for those protocols that support it, where
                 'prot' defines which one to assume.  Currently,
                 only "smtp", "pop3", "imap", "ftp" and "xmpp"
                 are supported.
 -engine id    - Initialise and use the specified engine
 -rand file:file:...
 -sess_out arg - file to write SSL session to
 -sess_in arg  - file to read SSL session from
 -servername host  - Set TLS extension servername in ClientHello
 -tlsextdebug      - hex dump of all TLS extensions received
 -status           - request certificate status from server
 -no_ticket        - disable use of RFC4507bis session tickets
 -serverinfo types - send empty ClientHello extensions (comma-separated numbers)
 -curves arg       - Elliptic curves to advertise (colon-separated list)
 -sigalgs arg      - Signature algorithms to support (colon-separated list)
 -client_sigalgs arg - Signature algorithms to support for client
                       certificate authentication (colon-separated list)
 -nextprotoneg arg - enable NPN extension, considering named protocols supported (comma-separated list)
 -alpn arg         - enable ALPN extension, considering named protocols supported (comma-separated list)
 -legacy_renegotiation - enable use of legacy renegotiation (dangerous)
 -use_srtp profiles - Offer SRTP key management with a colon-separated profile list
 -keymatexport label   - Export keying material using label
 -keymatexportlen len  - Export len bytes of keying material (default 20)

I feel like the above code is my Yigrette and I'm still a naive Jon Snow, I still know nothing. Please help and forgive me if I can't see the obvious. I know nothing. Thanks everyone :)


  • As SSL is an TCP-level protocol rather than HTTP, strip the protocol and path from the -connect to make that command work:

    openssl s_client -showcerts -connect

    However, what you are possibly after is the JWK Set that the OpenID Connect server publishes in its discovery document. This you can just retrieve and analyse:


    Then for each JWT you verify, extract the kid from its header and use it to look up the correct public key in the published set.