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May I use jxls and apache poi together?

I'm making an application to analize some data and the result must be presented in excel files. In that sense I started to use Apache POI (3.11). Due to some reports consumes a lot of time and memory to be reproduce, I made an investigation and I found jxls, after some test I thought was the solution. But now I found a problem: can´t work both frameworks together.

  1. I have to update Apache POI from 3.11 to 3.14, in order to work with jxls-2.3.0
  2. I made an extra package in order to make my tests with jxls, not problem
  3. I try to migrated one of my classes from Apache POI to jxls, and a I got this error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot load XLS transformer. Please make sure a Transformer implementation is in classpath. This is the code of my method:

    private void prepareNewReport(File excelFile) {
        List perforaciones = makePerforacionReport
    try (InputStream is =  ReportePerforacionTotalDialog.class
        try (OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(excelFile)) {
            Context context = new Context();
            context.putVar("perforaciones", perforaciones);
            JxlsHelper.getInstance().processTemplate(is, os, context);
            LOGGER.logger.log(Level.INFO, "Archivo de perfortacion generado con éxito");
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOGGER.logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Problemas buscando el archivo", e);

How could be this possible?. In the same project I have my test class, just another package and its working fine. As you can see it´s not so much different from the example in the jxls page and the imports are the same.

But even worst, when I tried to make clean & build of my project, then I got this other error:

java.lang.RuntimeException:$CompletionFailure: class file for org.openxmlformats.schemas.officeDocument.x2006.docPropsVTypes.CTArray not found

I looked at every library that I importede in order to work with jxls and apache poi, and that´s rigth, that class is not there. Just to see if there a conflict among these two framewoks, I eliminated from the class path all libraries needed to use jxls. Clean & build again, and not problem, I have my .jar file to send to my customer, but incomplete.

I could try to replace all classes that use Apache POI, but that means a lot of work, since POI is used in my project to read excel files with data many times and to write another many files to excel. I planned to use jxls in order to take advantage of use templates.

I will apreciate any help or suggestion.


  • For the first error, it would appear that the JXLS transformer for Apache POI is missing in your classpath when running the application. Check the JXLS getting started info here:

    As it is explained in Transformers section (see Main Concepts)) Jxls core module does not depend on any specific Java-Excel library and works with Excel exclusively through a predefined interface. Currently Jxls supplies two implementations of this interface in separate modules based on the well-known Apache POI and Java Excel API libraries.

    If you're using maven, be sure to include in your pom.xml the jxls-poi dependency listed on the JXLS getting started page:


    For the second issue, org.openxmlformats.schemas.officeDocument.x2006.docPropsVTypes.CTArray is not in the apache POI ooxml schemas jar files for either 3.11 (poi-ooxml-schemas-3.11-20141221.jar) or 3.14 (poi-ooxml-schemas-3.14-20160307.jar). POI uses a stripped down set of ooxml schema classes, you will need to get the ooxml schemas complete jar from or if you're using maven (or another build tool), get the dependency for your build from

    e.g for maven:

    <!-- -->

    Be sure to remove the poi-ooxml-schemas dependency from your maven pom.xml so that ooxml-schemas above takes precedence instead.