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Catching custom assert in GoogleTest using __debugbreak

On Windows, my assert macro essentially looks like this:

#define MYASSERT(condition) (if (!(condition)) { ReportFailture( #condition, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); __debugbreak(); }

And in Google Test I am trying to check the output of a bad condition to test out of bound assertions, etc:

ASSERT_DEATH( { MYASSERT(false); }, "");

However all this does it report the following message:

Running main() from
..\Test\FormatUnitTest\Test_Format.cpp(59): error: Death test: { if (!(false)) { ReportFailture( "false", ..\\Test\\UnitTest\\Test.cpp", 59,  __FSTREXP __FUNCTION_
_   ); __debugbreak(); }; }

Result: illegal return in test statement.
Error msg:
[  DEATH   ]

It seems that GoogleTest is handling the Debug Exception in the structured exception handler (SEH) as a special case. However, I want to catch the assert and validate it's contents.

What's the right move here? Do I need to define a special assert macro for google test? If so what should it do?

I note that replacing my assert with assert(false) (included via assert.h) doesn't call this problem - what is it doing differently?


  • The problem is that you are calling __debugbreak(), which causes a breakpoint exception to be thrown by your code. As you can see in documentation for death tests (, if code throws an exception it is not considered "death" by death tests in googletest.

    As far as you other question goes, assert from assert.h calles std::abort (which causes program to terminate). This is "death" by definition of a death test.