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How should I add authentication to swashbuckle?

I am using swashbuckle to add swagger to my mvc web api project. I see options to add OAuth2, but my website requires wsfederation. How can I require authentication to view the swagger ui with wsfederation?

    .EnableSwagger(c =>
        c.SingleApiVersion("v1", "Services");
    .EnableSwaggerUi(c => { });


  • Authentication in the SwaggerConfig file is directly linked to documenting your API, and not the actual implementation, so to speak. So if you use the following in your swaggerConfig:

                    .Description("OAuth2 Implicit Grant")
                    .Scopes(scopes =>
                        scopes.Add("read:pets", "read your pets");
                        scopes.Add("write:pets", "modify pets in your account");

    That would generate the following securitydefinition in the swagger json file

        type: oauth2
        authorizationUrl: ''
        flow: implicit
          'write:pets': modify pets in your account
          'read:pets': read your pets

    To answer

    How can I require authentication to view the swagger ui with wsfederation?

    Just add the authentication globally in the WebApiConfig.cs file, something similar to the following (if you are using a MessageHandler or Filter)

    config.Filters.Add(new WSFederationAuthentication()); 

    Viewing the swagger documentation is directly webapi related.

    You might have some issues though, as Swagger gets the docs client side.