I am learning Elixir and Phoenix, I'm building a side project that needs to query Github's APIs.
This is the module that performs the call
defmodule Github do
use HTTPoison.Base
def process_url(url) do
"https://api.github.com/" <> url
def process_response_body(body) do
|> Poison.decode!
|> Enum.map(fn({k, v}) -> {String.to_atom(k), v} end)
and this is the Controller that answers to a GET on "/api/github/search"
defmodule MyApp.GithubController do
use MyApp.Web, :controller
require Github
def search(conn, _params) do
json conn, search_repositories
def search_repositories() do
url = "search/repositories?q=language:javascript&sort=stars&order=desc"
Github.get! url
I get an error page from Phoenix which says at the top
unable to encode value: {:total_count, 2389278}
So something is working, I am actually calling Github's API, but for some reason I'm missing a step, I've followed the example here https://github.com/edgurgel/httpoison#wrapping-httpoisonbase
Any help / hint is highly appreciated!
Not sure what your expected result is, but I assume you just want to return from your controller the complete response from Github as JSON. Just let Poison handle the decoding, no need to process it further.
def process_response_body(body) do
|> Poison.decode!
Your missing piece is the fact that get! doesn't return the JSON, but a %HTTPoison.Response struct as can be seen in the first usage example here https://github.com/edgurgel/httpoison
The struct contains your processed body, headers and the status code. You can use pattern matching to extract your json and return it:
def search_repositories() do
url = "search/repositories?q=language:javascript&sort=stars&order=desc"
%HTTPoison.Response{:body => json, :headers => headers, :status_code => code} = Github.get! url
IO.inspect headers
IO.inspect code