How could we set TextCell height with padding/margin in Windows Universal Project using Xamarin.Forms?
I tried following Custom renderer in Native project:
class CustomTextCellRenderer : TextCellRenderer
public override Windows.UI.Xaml.DataTemplate GetTemplate(Cell cell)
var d = base.GetTemplate(cell);
//Set something here???
return d;
but couldn't find any property to be set.
There is function to set dependency property of DataTemplate
but I coudn't figure it out, what will be the dependency property name for height to set?
d.SetValue(???DependencyProperty???, value);
Since the TextCell is a built in cell, it's optimized and designed to be used as is. However you can create a custom DataTemplate based on the TextCell template and return that instead.
You can find the original template in the Xamarin.Forms source. Then in the UWP platform project's App.xaml
, define your new DataTemplate inside the ResourceDictionary with a different key:
<DataTemplate x:Key="MyTextCell">
<StackPanel Background="Aqua">
Padding="0 10 0 10"
Text="{Binding Text}"
Style="{ThemeResource BaseTextBlockStyle}" />
Text="{Binding Detail}"
Style="{ThemeResource BodyTextBlockStyle}"
and access it inside the custom renderer with:
return App.Current.Resources["MyTextCell"] as Windows.UI.Xaml.DataTemplate;