I'm trying to create an SB Value from an address value that I have, and I'm running into an issue with the SBAddress constructor. When I do this:
target = lldb.debugger.GetSelectedTarget()
pointer = target.FindFirstType('node_t').GetPointerType()
root = target.CreateValueFromAddress('root', lldb.SBAddress(0x100004058, target), pointer)
And then I run
I get something like 0x0000000100004041
Is there something wrong that I'm doing here with the constructor of the SBAddress?
You have to be careful about what's pointing to what to get this right. Is 0x100004058 the VALUE of the pointer you want to make a type from, or the LOCATION of that pointer? I suspect it is the former...
The memory at the address which is the value of the pointer holds an object of type "node_t". So when you want to make an SBValue out of that memory, the type you want is "node_t" not "node_t *".
However, if 0x100004058 were the location of the pointer, then making a value as a pointer to node_t at that address would be correct.
So, for instance, stopped here:
* thread #1: tid = 0x4ae2e3, function: take_void , stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
frame #0: 0x0000000100000f33 pointers`take_void at pointers.c:12
9 void
10 take_void(void *input)
11 {
-> 12 printf("Got pointer: %p.\n", input);
13 }
15 int
called from:
15 int
16 main()
17 {
18 struct Foo my_foo = {111, 222};
19 take_void (&my_foo);
20 return 0;
21 }
(lldb) fr v -L
0x00007fff5fbff658: (void *) input = 0x00007fff5fbff670
The first address is the location of input, so:
(lldb) script
>>> ptr_type = lldb.target.FindFirstType('Foo').GetPointerType()
>>> root = lldb.target.CreateValueFromAddress("root", lldb.SBAddress(0x00007fff5fbff658, lldb.target), ptr_type)
>>> root.GetValue()
Which is what you expect. And:
>>> root = lldb.target.CreateValueFromAddress("root", lldb.SBAddress(0x00007fff5fbff670, lldb.target), type)
>>> root.GetValue()
That's right because structures don't have values. And:
>>> root.GetChildAtIndex(0).GetValue()
>>> root.GetChildAtIndex(1).GetValue()
Those were the values that I put in the fields, so that is right. And:
>>> root = lldb.target.CreateValueFromAddress("root", lldb.SBAddress(0x00007fff5fbff670, lldb.target), ptr_type)
>>> root.GetValue()
(which is probably the error you were making) makes sense too, because 0xde is 222 and 0x6f is 111 and I'm on a little-endian system...