When I've created a new project via RubyMine, 'Create New Project' -> 'Rails' 'New application'. And select the rails and ruby version, after I click create button, it's starts to generate new project. After bundle ends install, in 2 or 3 seconds appears two warning tabs signs:
First tab named Get available generators list
and consist of:
Warning:Get available generators script executes with errors:
Warning:Running via Spring preloader in process 61870
Second tab named Get available rake tasks
and consist of:
Warning:[rake --tasks] Running via Spring preloader in process 61869
Warning:[rake --prereqs] Running via Spring preloader in process 61872
Need to note, if i create rails project via terminal
rails new [name]
bundle install
No problems appears.
I really want to get rid of this warnings. Any advice?
Wrote to RubyMine support.
All this warnings appears because of some bug in RM. They already know about it and going to fix it in the next version.