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jQuery datatable highlight single row

I am trying to highlight a single row in my jQuery datatable.

I attempted to use the information here:

Using that, I can use Chrome's inspector and I can verify that the class is being added to the table row. But the row is not being highlighted.

Here is the jQuery:

 // not sure if this was necessary to show
   "iDisplayLength": 25,
   "order": [[ 6, "desc" ]],
   "scrollY": 550,
   "scrollX": true,
   "bDestroy": true,
   "stateSave": true

 var table = $('#example1').DataTable(); 
 $('#example1 tbody').on('click', 'tr', function()

With this, as stated, I can see the class being added to the row, I'm just not seeing the row color change.

I added some CSS on the HTML page to see if it would work. As follows:

   .selected tr {background-color: blue;}

To no avail. Does anyone see my error?


  • I cannot test this, but the error seems to be in the CSS selector you're using for the background-color.

    It should be tr.selected (a tr element with the class selected) and not .selected tr (a tr element in an element with the class .selected).