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Successful issue report, but no issues on dashboard

I am currently looking to add code analysis to a C# project. I'm running the analysis through Jenkins/C#/Visual Studio plugins and am not getting any issues reported on the dashboard. My issue JSON report has lots of the following issues:

   "message":"The specified version string does not conform to the recommended format -",
            "uri":"my file",

Clearly the analysis is working and generating the issues. However when I view the project on the dashboard, it shows no bugs/vulnerabilities/etc. Interestingly, it does show the lines of code and duplication statistics.

The analysis does work for our JS code, so it seems to just be a C# thing.


  • You are using version 5.3 of the C# plugin that does not support the new version of the SARIF JSON format.

    This was fixed in version 5.3.1 - see SONARCS-602.

    Updating to this last version of the plugin should fix your issue.