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Android Spinner Color style

Is there a way of changing the color of the Spinner control? For example, Android 6 will render text with an arrow. I need to change the color of that arrow.

The change should apply to any version of android.

For example, Android 4 has underline with corner triangle. I have seen some approaches where you replace the icon that is being drawn, but that solution would not work for me. I need to change the color of the default icon.

enter image description here


I have found how to apply style on Android Spinner using styles.xml,

  <item name="android:spinnerStyle">@style/SpinnerItem</item>

but I cannot find what is the correct style to apply for the icon color to change.


  • It turns out, there is no nice way of doing this. It is possible to change the images used for the spinner, but then I would need to provide different set of images for each version, and also have conditionals / logic on the android code, to specify which set should be used based on version.