Given a list of Ids (aka ItemIds) how can we efficiently retrieve the emails with OutlookREST Api?
I tried to forge the following request.<somefolderId>/messages?$filter=((Id eq 'firstId') or (Id eq 'secondId') or (Id eq 'thirdId'))
But I received a BadRequest 400 error: "The property 'Id' does not support filtering" which is very clear.
As a workaround I use the InternetMessageId (I do not care which "copy" of the email is returned). Is there a way to use the Id to achieve better performance ?
You could do up to 20 individual GET
requests for each ID in a batch request. This is only available on the beta
endpoint right now.
Something like:
POST$batch HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer aGFwcHlnQGRr==
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=batch_myBatchId
Content-Type: application/http
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
GET /api/beta/me/messages/{id1} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/http
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
GET /api/beta/me/messages/{id2} HTTP/1.1