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Error creating an Apache Apollo broker

I downloaded and unzipped the Apache Apollo distribution as described in their site.

~/Developer/Web/MQTT/apache-apollo-1.7.1/bin/apollo create mybroker

I got teh below output in the Terminal.

Creating apollo instance at: mybroker

ERROR: mybroker/etc/ (No such file or directory)

That command is supposed to create the etc sub directory among others.

Any idea why this error is occurring?


  • Okay, I resolved it. I installed Apollo via Homebrew successfully. Then I cd'ed to /var/lib and ran the following command. This time with sudo.

    sudo apollo create mybroker

    It created the broker successfully. Then I ran the below command to run it. Again with sudo.

    sudo mybroker/bin/apollo-broker run

    Which started the broker and I could login via the web dashboard at too.