I was trying to find something about LegendEntry
in MATLAB, so I clicked it to open the help window, and this is what I saw:
If you want to see it yourself run this code:
h = plot(1:10,1:10);
Then you will see at the command window:
ans =
LegendEntry with properties:
IconDisplayStyle: 'on'
is a link to the help file for matlab.graphics.eventdata.LegendEntry
which pops up the window in the picture above.
Are you familiar with this? Is this some kind of a problem with my installation?
I use MATLAB 2015a.
What's happened here is that a developer has left a TODO note to him or herself in the comments for matlab.graphics.eventdata.LegendEntry
, and has forgotten to remove it before release.
If you'd noticed this in the most recent release, it would probably be worth bringing it to the notice of MathWorks with a bug report: but in fact I've just tried this on 16a and it looks like it's been removed already.
It's not a problem with your installation.