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MATLAB TODO: Fill in Description

I was trying to find something about LegendEntry in MATLAB, so I clicked it to open the help window, and this is what I saw:


If you want to see it yourself run this code:

h = plot(1:10,1:10);

Then you will see at the command window:

ans = 
  LegendEntry with properties:

    IconDisplayStyle: 'on'

LegendEntry is a link to the help file for which pops up the window in the picture above.

Are you familiar with this? Is this some kind of a problem with my installation?

I use MATLAB 2015a.


  • What's happened here is that a developer has left a TODO note to him or herself in the comments for, and has forgotten to remove it before release.

    If you'd noticed this in the most recent release, it would probably be worth bringing it to the notice of MathWorks with a bug report: but in fact I've just tried this on 16a and it looks like it's been removed already.

    It's not a problem with your installation.