Lets say I type the following in Spyder-IDE:
Spyder will then automatically open the arguments list of the function min and give me:
min(iterable[, key=func])
I find this very helpful but Spyder closes this list after 1.5sec. I would like to have this still open after 1.5sec. In fact it would be perfect if this list remained open while I type the arguments since it helps me to see what I need to specify for a correct function call. As far as I can remember, other IDEs such as Eclipse or QtCreator support this. Is this also possible with Spyder?
In the preferences section under Editor I found:
Highlight occurences after 1500ms
Changing this value has however no effect and it seems that this is not the value which I want to change.
If you're okay with having a "side" window, what you can do is go to Tools > Preferences > Object Inspector, and check off the Editor, Python Console, and IPython Console boxes, then click Apply/OK. Then navigate to View > Panes and click Object Inspector. It should pop up as another window next to your main text window. It's not exactly inline, but it will give you the same info (plus more).
I'm not sure if you have to check off all of "Editor, Python Console, and IPython Console", but it didn't work for me when I just selected Editor for some reason...
I'm on Spyder 2.7, btw.