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c# update ObservableCollection in socket

I need to update myobservableCollection when i listen on a socket. Then sort myobservableCollection from largest to smallest. I 'm listening everytime for any update to do. This works fine.

But when i scroll down on my longListSelector, **every-time an update is done, i can' t reach the end of it, it returns me to the top.* * how to update it and be able to scroll down.

mySock.On("player:new-vote", (data) = > {
string newVoteData = data.ToString();
JObject obj = JObject.Parse(newVoteData);
string objId = (string) obj["id"];
int objStand = (int) obj["details"]["standing"];
int objUp = (int) obj["details"]["upVotes"];
int objDown = (int) obj["details"]["downVotes"];
string objBy = (string) obj["details"]["by"];
PlayerVotes newVote = new PlayerVotes() {
    by = objBy,
    _id = objId,
    downVotes = objDown,
    upVotes = objUp,
    standing = objStand
Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() = > {
    var updateVoteSong = playerCollection.FirstOrDefault(x = > x._id == objId);
    updateVoteSong.votes = newVote;
    playerCollection = new ObservableCollection < PlayerSong > (playerCollection
        .OrderByDescending(x = > x.votes.standing));
    MainLongListSelector.ItemsSource = playerCollection;



  • First of all, you should not override your ObservableCollection everytime, the containing data changes.

    Rather use this extension to sort for example:

    public static class ObservableCollection
          public static void Sort<TSource, TKey>(this ObservableCollection<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector)
              List<TSource> sortedList = source.OrderByDescending(keySelector).ToList();
              foreach (var sortedItem in sortedList)

    If you override the Collection everytime, the bound control might receive heavy binding issues because they are never unbound.

    And to scroll to an specific element you can this:

    var lastMessage = playerCollection.LastOrDefault();

    This might not give you an 100% fitting answer, but it should push you in the right direction