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Kong returning 404 for Registered APIS

I have installed Kong successfully and mapped a API by administration services provided by Kong as below: http://kong:8001/apis payload: { "upstream_url": "" "strip_request_path": true "request_path": "/services_test" "preserve_host": false "name": "services_test" "request_host": "" }

I am able to get this API when making get call to http://kong:8001/apis.

now I am trying to access my API endpoints using kong like: http://kong:8000/services_test/test.json its returning 404 " requested resource not found" .

what I am doing wrong? I am not able to access kong's log. can anyone tell me where kong stores log files? Thanks for any help. PS: all URLs are dummy.


  • Finally, I got my answer.

    What I doing wrong was setting strip_request_path property true.
    By enabling the strip_request_path property on an API, the requests will be proxied without the request_path property being included in the upstream request.

    In my case, actual API endpoint was:

    and Kong was redirecting request to :

    because strip_request_path property was true.

    here is what documentation says about How does Kong route a request to an API

    some more info from google group