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Replacement for scrollTo and scrollToExact in java client v4.0

I am writing Mobile App automation test cases for Android/iOS using java and appium.

I have upgraded my appium version from 3.1.0 to 4.0.0. Now I am not able use scrollTo() and scrollToExact()

Java client ReadMe readme says the following:- scrollTo() and scrollToExact() became deprecated. They are going to be removed in the next release.

Anyother method avaialble other than swipe method and like


Does anyone know any possible methods for replacing scrollTo and scrollToExact?


  • This method is deprecated because it is not consistent and it is going to be removed. It is workaround actually.
    Recommended to use instead:

    AppiumDriver.swipe(int, int, int, int, int)
    MobileElement.swipe(SwipeElementDirection, int)   
    MobileElement.swipe(SwipeElementDirection, int, int, int) 

    or search for elements using


    Specified by:

    scrollTo in interface ScrollsTo<org.openqa.selenium.WebElement>

    text - description or text of an element scroll to

    an element that matches

    Now to user swipe

    public abstract void swipe(int startx, int starty, int endx, int endy, int duration)

    Description copied from interface:
    Convenience method for swiping across the screen.

    startx - starting x coordinate.
    starty - starting y coordinate.
    endx - ending x coordinate.
    endy - ending y coordinate.
    duration - amount of time in milliseconds for the entire swipe action to take


     public void swipingVertical() throws InterruptedException {
      //Get the size of screen.
      size = driver.manage().window().getSize();
      //Find swipe start and end point from screen's with and height.
      //Find starty point which is at bottom side of screen.
      int starty = (int) (size.height * 0.80);
      //Find endy point which is at top side of screen.
      int endy = (int) (size.height * 0.20);
      //Find horizontal point where you wants to swipe. It is in middle of screen width.
      int startx = size.width / 2;
      System.out.println("starty = " + starty + " ,endy = " + endy + " , startx = " + startx);
      //Swipe from Bottom to Top.
      driver.swipe(startx, starty, startx, endy, 3000);
      //Swipe from Top to Bottom.
      driver.swipe(startx, endy, startx, starty, 3000);

    This will definitely work for the new version of Java Client 4.0 to execute your Appium Script

    Gaurav Lad