i have istalled djangocms-css-background 1.0.3, run migrations
and included djangocms-css-background
in settings.py
in my template, i have the code below.
{% load placeholder_attr %}
<div style="{% placeholder_attr 'My Background Css Placeholder' 'CssBackground' 'css_background' %}">
{% placeholder 'My Background Css Placeholder' %}
Everytime i run the server, i encounter rhe error 'placeholder_attr' is not a valid tag library: Template library placeholder_attr not found
Kindly help.
djangocms-css-background depends on djangocms-placeholder-attr which has been deprecated Use cmsplugin-css-background instead.
Add the DOM element you'll be using:
<div id="hero"></div>
Add the background image placeholder. css_selector should point to the DOM element you're targeting.
{% with css_selector='#hero' %} {% placeholder 'element_background_image' %} {% endwith %}
CMS_PLACEHOLDER_CONF = { 'element_background_image': { 'plugins': ['CssBackgroundPlugin'], 'limits': { 'global': 1, }, }, }
The FilerCssBackgroundPlugin is enabled if filer is installed.
The plugin will print out the applicable background-image css in the placeholder