How do you define the NDK installation that ndk-build uses? I used the r10e build for a good while, then updated my NDK and modified my $PATH to point to the new location, but when I build using the ndk-build command in Terminal it still uses the older android-ndk-r10e version.
I know this because I use the NDK_LOG=1 option when invoking ndk-build and it produces the following verbose information as it builds my project. Notice the references to "/NDKDev/android-ndk-r10e". That's my old installation.
~/Documents/MyNDKProject-- $ ndk-build NDK_LOG=1
GNUMAKE=/Users/user1/Documents/NDKDev/android-ndk-r10e/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/make (NDK prebuilt)
Android NDK: NDK installation path auto-detected: '/Users/user1/Documents/NDKDev/android-ndk-r10e'
Android NDK: GNU Make version 3.81 detected
Android NDK: Host OS was auto-detected: darwin
Android NDK: Host operating system detected: darwin
Android NDK: Host CPU was auto-detected: x86
Android NDK: HOST_TAG set to darwin-x86
Android NDK: Host tools prebuilt directory: /Users/user1/Documents/NDKDev/android-ndk-r10e/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin
Android NDK: Host 'echo' tool: echo
. . .
Also note that when I enter echo $PATH at the Terminal prompt it gives:
and where you see /Applications/android-sdk-macosx/ndk-bundle is exactly where it used to refer to the android-ndk-r10e path, so I'm certain I've updated my PATH successfully. So anyhow, IF the PATH environment variable is not what ndk-build uses to determine the NDK installation to use, what does it use, and how can I modify it so that it uses my new installation which is at:
Fixed. The problem was that when the .bash_profile file is successfully sourced in a given Terminal session it does not have any effect on other instances of Terminal that are open. I had two instances of Terminal open and because I hadn't closed the one with which I was calling ndk-build the changes to .bash_profile weren't being applied.