I'm trying to create a PostgreSQL query to find a partial text inside a tsvector column.
I have a tsvector value like this "'89' 'TT7' 'test123'"
and I need to find any rows that contains "%es%".
How can I do that?
I tried
select * from use_docs_conteudo
WHERE textodados @@ to_tsquery('es')
It looks like you want to use fast ILIKE
queries for wild match. pg_trgm
will be the right tool to go with. You can use POSIX regex rules for defining your query.
WITH data(t) AS ( VALUES
('test123! TT7 89'::TEXT),
('test123, TT7 89'::TEXT),
('test@test123.domain TT7 89'::TEXT)
SELECT count(*) FROM data WHERE t ~* 'es' AND t ~* '\mtest123\M';
(1 row)
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