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How do I programmatically change a .lnk to change its target?

Is there any way to open a windows shortcut (.lnk file) and change it's target? I found the following snippet which allows me to find the current target, but it's a read-only property:

Shell32::Shell^ shl = gcnew Shell32::Shell();
String^ shortcutPos = "C:\\some\\path\\to\\my\\link.lnk";
String^ lnkPath = System::IO::Path::GetFullPath(shortcutPos);
Shell32::Folder^ dir = shl->NameSpace(System::IO::Path::GetDirectoryName(lnkPath));
Shell32::FolderItem^ itm = dir->Items()->Item(System::IO::Path::GetFileName(lnkPath));
Shell32::ShellLinkObject^ lnk = (Shell32::ShellLinkObject^)itm->GetLink;
String^ target = lnk->Target->Path;

I can't find anything to alter the target. Is my only option to create a new shortcut to overwrite the current one? ..and if so, how do I do that?


  • It isn't read-only, use lnk->Path instead, followed by lnk->Save(). Assuming you have write privileges to the file. C# code that does the same thing is in my answer in this thread.