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MusicBrainz Server Update

I successfully installed a freshly downloaded virtual instance a few days ago, running in VirtualBox on Windows 10. Seems to be working fine. Noticed that under 'Statistics' on the home page is was dated April 2016. Configured with a key for replication, ran 'bin/replicate start' and now the Statistics page update is 05/22/16. Interestingly the mirror shows the same 05/22/16 date.

It seems the database schema changed on 05/23/16 ( but the virtual machine available for download is dated 2015-08-06 on

So automatic updating stops at 5/22 with the current virtual machine. Seems to make sense but where is the latest virtual machine build, or is that left to the user to build from the GitHub repository?


  • Follow the instructions to update the schema:

    Note that you may need to update PostgreSQL to 9.5 (the VM image has an older version) first. Also, since more than a month has passed from your version, it may be easier to import a new dump and then turn the replication on, rather than go through all incremental updates.


    You can find the latest VM here.