I have setup a form and set remote: true
on it. While it works if i directly refresh the page. IF i navigate from menu to the desired form the button just does nothing.
I tried adding "data-no-turbolink="true" to the link of menu but still it doesn't work maybe because of turbolinks 5 not sure?
<%= form_for :location, url: get_inventory_path, remote: true do |f| %>
<div class="input-field col s12">
<%= f.select :location_id, options_for_select(@locations.collect { |l|
[l.station + ', ' + l.venue + ', ' + l.area + ', ' + l.city + ', ' + l.country, l.id] }, 1), {}, { id: 'location_select', class: "browser-default" } %>
<div class="card-action center-align">
<%= f.submit "Go", class: "btn blue", data: { disable_with: "Please wait..." } %>
<% end %>
also i added the new event listener of Turbolinks 5 which makes things easier but then again..
belowOrigin: true,
constrain_width: false,
alignment: "right"
$('.tooltipped').tooltip({delay: 50});
any clues welcomed!
So it seems disabling turbolinks on certain elements worked but it changed since Turbolinks 5 and i missed it on the turbolinks 5 documentation. For future reference
examples from documentation
<a href="/" data-turbolinks="false">Disabled</a>
<div data-turbolinks="false">
<a href="/">Disabled</a>
Rails example
<%= link_to "Overview", inventory_index_path, :"data-turbolinks"=>"false" %>
I hope this helps but if anyone finds the real problem do let us all know!