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Variable substitution in a list in Tcl

I am trying to substitute a variable in a list:

% set a 1  
% set b {1 $a}  
1 $a  
% set a 1  
% set b [list 1 $a]  
1 1  

When I use the curly braces {}, to define the list the variable 'a' doesn't get substituted with its value but in case of using list it does.

How do I substitute a variable's value when using a list defined with {}?


  • % set a 1
    % subst {1 $a}
    1 1
    % set b [subst {1 $a}]
    1 1

    But most Tcl:ers actually prefer to use list when creating a list value with substitutions, like in your second try:

    % set b [list 1 $a]

    One reason for this is that subst won't preserve list structure in the value:

    % set a {a b}
    a b
    % set b [subst {1 $a}]
    1 a b
    % set b [list 1 $a]
    1 {a b}

    Another possibility is to use double quotes instead of braces; this also won't preserve list structure.

    % set b "1 $a"
    1 a b

    Documentation: list, set, subst, Summary of Tcl language syntax