I am running Spyder with Anaconda 2.4.1 (64 bit) and Python 3.5.1 on Win 10. When I attempt to import pybeanstalk via:
import beanstalk
The IPython console returns:
import error no module named 'serverconn'
I've done my googling of the error and all I ever get is a Google Groups thread where someone is having an issue with pyyaml not being installed. The thread is about pybeanstalk so I expect it is related. However, it doesn't offer any solutions. The rest of the results aren't any better. However, pyyaml was installed. It is now updated as well. Problem remains.
I have attempted to google the exact error but nothing is found so Google returns broad match results instead of exact match results. The result is a string of results about various other packages not being found.
The only reference to serverconn I can find on Google is serverconn.py as part of the Google Groups thread mentioned previously.
I have also attempted to install from here https://github.com/beanstalkd/pybeanstalk with the same result.
I noticed that some of the beanstalk packages were compatible with Python 3. pybeanstalk did not mention that though.
What am I missing? Thanks
After submiting this issue on the official repository of pybeanstalk, here is the response from one of the maintainers:
Python 3 is not supported. Feel free to open an issue for that. No guarantees that anyone will have time to work on that though. Updating this package to support Python3 is not trivial.
Edit: I found a Python 3 only version of a Beanstalkd client here, named pystalkd.
Another, named pystalk, is compatible for both Python 2 and 3.