In some places in exposing C++ code to python, I need to use a PyObject*
. If I have an instance of a boost::python::class_
object, I can invoke ptr()
on it. But what if I just have the type?
Basically, given the type list boost::python::bases<A, B, C>
, I want to convert this to a boost::python::tuple
of instances that I can pass into something like PyErr_NewExceptionWithDoc()
. Is this possible?
Given a C++ type T
, one can create a boost::python::type_id
object, and then query into the Boost.Python registry for registration information. If an entry is found in the registry, then one can use it to obtain a handle to the Python class created for type T
/// @brief Get the class object for a wrapped type that has been exposed
/// through Boost.Python.
template <typename T>
boost::python::object get_instance_class()
// Query into the registry for type T.
namespace python = boost::python;
python::type_info type = python::type_id<T>();
const python::converter::registration* registration =
// If the class is not registered, return None.
if (!registration) return python::object();
python::handle<PyTypeObject> handle(python::borrowed(
return python::object(handle);
Here is a complete example demonstrating locating a Python class object in the Boost.Python registry:
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <iostream>
/// @brief Get the class object for a wrapped type that has been exposed
/// through Boost.Python.
template <typename T>
boost::python::object get_instance_class()
// Query into the registry for type T.
namespace python = boost::python;
python::type_info type = python::type_id<T>();
const python::converter::registration* registration =
// If the class is not registered, return None.
if (!registration) return python::object();
python::handle<PyTypeObject> handle(python::borrowed(
return python::object(handle);
struct spam {};
int main()
namespace python = boost::python;
// Create the __main__ module.
python::object main_module = python::import("__main__");
python::object main_namespace = main_module.attr("__dict__");
// Create `Spam` class.
// >>> class Spam: pass
auto spam_class_object = python::class_<spam>("Spam", python::no_init);
// >>> print Spam
// >>> assert(spam is spam)
assert(spam_class_object.ptr() == get_instance_class<spam>().ptr());
catch (python::error_already_set&)
return 1;
<class 'Spam'>
For more type related functionality, such as accepting type objects, is
, and issubclass
, see this answer.