I want to redirect to a previous page after I submit some data in database. I am using a TempData
to retrieve ID
on current Page, then I am going on the page with the form I want to submit (which have an ID
), but after the POST
method is fired TempData
gets overrided by current page ID
which is the page with the form and I want to ReturnRedirect
to initial page with its ID.
Here the code:
Controller with GET method where I retrieve the ID:
var currentID = Url.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["id"];
TempData["currentId"] = currentID;
Controller with POST method where I try to redirect:
if (ModelState.IsValid)
// Editing records in database
return RedirectToAction("Details", "Jobs",
new { controller = "JobsController", action = "Details", id = TempData["currentId"] });
ModelState.AddModelError("", "Something failed");
return View();
I am using this approach because its working if the current action with a POST method doesn't have an ID.
Thank you for any suggestions.
I have a Details of Jobs:
// GET: Jobs/Details/5
public ActionResult Details(Guid id)
var currentID = Url.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["id"];
TempData["currentId"] = currentID;
var currentUserTemp = LoggedUserId;
TempData["userID"] = currentUserTemp;
if (id == null)
return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
Job job = db.Jobs.Find(id);
if (job == null)
return HttpNotFound();
return View(job);
But from this page I want a link to a page where I edit current user data.
View Details page Code:
@Html.ActionLink("Edit Company Details", "Edit", "UserAdmin", new { id = TempData["userID"] }, null)
Now I am on edit User Page, I edit the form and use save button (which triggers POST method) I want to use the other TempData variable to ReturnRedirect
on Details Page but since both pages have ID`s, TempData gets overrided with last ID from the URL which is the ID of the user not ID.
Don't forget that TempData exists only during the time of a HTTP Request. Maybe it's a clue to your problem (I can't find all the interactions between Controllers and Views in your code so I can't be sure).