I am programming an app with Ruby on Rails and, in some views, I would like to get rid of the automatic whitespace triggered by the 'link_to' helper.
<%= link_to liker.first_name.capitalize, user_path(liker) %>
<!-- Example of link with a user's firstname (who liked a given content), redirecting to it's user profile -->
I have read this post, which talks about using HAML (that I do not use). Isn't it possible to delete this tiny whitespace only using Ruby on Rails?
You always get a whitespace between inline html elements if you put them in different lines in your html document. For example
would render as "foo bar" on the page. But if you write that html elements next to each other in one line, without a whitespace in between
it would render as "foobar".
That said: Just write the link_to
into the same line with the text that should not be separated with a whitespace:
foo<%= link_to 'bar', '#' %>baz
Would look like "foobarbaz" without any whitespace