I have a file of size 40 MB in filenet-p8. I see that from v5.2.1 there is a new API ExtendedInputStream
can anyone share an example of it. I see its not a concrete class so how can I extend and make use of it.
From 5.2.1 What's new for developers:
Using the new extended stream support, your application can more efficiently retrieve very large file content—such as video and audio content—from any point in the file. No changes are needed to existing applications that do not need this capability. For applications that do require this capability, you can cast the input stream returned from the current accessContentStream method (on the ContentTransfer, Document, and Annotation classes) to the new extended class to invoke the new operations.
So it looks like you would do something like this:
Document document = Factory.Document.fetchInstance(objectStore, pathToDocument, null);
ExtendedInputStream inputStream = (ExtendedInputStream) document.accessContentStream(arg0);
From there you will have access to the new methods on the ExtendedInputStream.