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git branch for multiple remotes

When running git branch -r I see the branches on my remote repository. Is there a way to see in the same working directory, the branches of multiple repositories? My goal is to create a file that lists all branches in couple of repositories, like this:


So on and so forth. I have this to print the branches the right way:

git branch -r | awk -F' +|/' -v ORS=, '{if($3!="HEAD") print $3}' >> repolist.txt

I just need to have this functionality work with couple of repositories without having to clone each and everyone of them for this single purpose. Thanks.


  • Add your repos as remotes to your local repo with git remote add, then git fetch --all them and adapt your awk command to produce the result you want.

    This command will produce the output you expect

    git branch -r | awk '
        # split remote and branch
            remote = substr($1, 0, index($1, "/") - 1)
            branch = substr($1, index($1, "/") + 1)
        # eliminate HEAD reference
        branch == "HEAD" { next }
        # new remote found
        remote != lastRemote {
            # output remote name
            printf "%s%s:", lastRemote ? "\n" : "", remote
            lastRemote = remote
            # do not output next comma
            firstBranch = 1
        # output comma between branches
        !firstBranch { printf "," }
        firstBranch { firstBranch = 0 }
        # output branch name
        { printf branch }
        # final linebreak
        END { print "" }

    or as one-liner without comments

    git branch -r | awk '{ remote = substr($1, 0, index($1, "/") - 1); branch = substr($1, index($1, "/") + 1) } branch == "HEAD" { next } remote != lastRemote { printf "%s%s:", lastRemote ? "\n" : "", remote; lastRemote = remote; firstBranch = 1; } !firstBranch { printf "," } firstBranch { firstBranch = 0 } { printf branch } END { print "" }'