UrhoSharp example app from UrhoSharp template for Visual Studio should exit when ESC
key is pressed:
Input.SubscribeToKeyDown(args => { if (args.Key == Key.Esc) Exit(); });
However, it seems that it does not.
I have found that I need to click the app window first and then press ESC
The problem seems to be caused that the app window doesn't have a focus when the app starts. (App's console window has focus when app starts.)
How to give focus to the app window in UrhoSharp?
Are you starting the program via the debugger with F5? If so, then use Ctrl+F5 instead to 'start without debugging' and the templates main window should have focus.
I also usually set the mouse to visible as a default when starting on these projects via:
Input.SetMouseVisible(true, false);