I am using upstart to start my golang application. I have my application folder structure like this,
I built the application as below,
$cd /home/ec2-user/go/src/github.com/dineshappavoo/web-app/app/
$go build ./...
It generated the binary app
And placed the web-app.conf
in /etc/init/
folder. Here is the web-app.conf content,
#Web app upstart script
description "start and stop web app"
start on (net-device-up
and local-filesystems
and runlevel [2345])
stop on runlevel [016]
respawn limit 5 30
console output
chdir /home/ec2-user/go/src/github.com/dineshappavoo/web-app/app
exec ./app
end script
When I tried sudo initctl list, it lists the process as stop/waiting
. And I tried to start the process
$sudo initctl start web-app
It shows the process as start/running
. But it is not started.
I checked the /var/log/messages
logs. It shows,
init: web-app main process (18740) terminated with status 127
I couldn't start the process. I think there is some issue with the chdir. I tried different options for past two days. And I am fairly new to upstart but no luck. Could someone help me with this?
OP eventually solved after fixing a few issues. See comments, notably:
Amazon Linux Image currently uses an old version of init (upstart 0.6.5), lacking newer features such as console log
& nested script tags
status 127 can occur if exec can't find the binary