Is there a way to access the choices of an argument of a function?
In this silly example:
noise <- function(animal = c("dog","cat","chicken","pig")){ # default animal is "dog"
animal <- match.arg(animal)
sound <- c("woof","meow","cluck","oink")[match(animal, c("dog","cat","chicken","pig"))]
noise("chicken") # returns desired result
I would like to avoid retyping c("dog","cat","chicken","pig")
by accessing the vector of choices from the declaration, something similar to (making this up):
noise <- function(animal = c("dog","cat","chicken","pig")){
animal <- match.arg(animal)
sound <- c("woof","meow","cluck","oink")[match(animal, self.choices("animal"))]
try this: eval(formals(noise)[["animal"]])