I get this JavaScript error when running any version of wkhtmltopdf with patched Qt:
Warning: undefined:0 Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module ng due to:
'undefined' is not an object
(I'm trying to render a page with angularjs 1.5).
When I use a version of wkhtmltopdf without patched Qt I don't get the error and everything works fine.
I use this heroku buildpack which installs version 0.12.3 with patched Qt, and I got this error.
Any idea how to solve my problem? I may install wkhtmltopdf without patched Qt on production but it seems I will have to compile it...
I finally managed to make it work with all versions: I needed a special version of the .bind() JavaScript function polyfill:
var isFunction = function (o) {
return typeof o == 'function';
var bind,
slice = [].slice,
proto = Function.prototype,
featureMap = {
'function-bind': 'bind'
function has(feature) {
var prop = featureMap[feature];
return isFunction(proto[prop]);
// check for missing features
if (!has('function-bind')) {
// adapted from Mozilla Developer Network example at
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function/bind
bind = function bind(obj) {
var args = slice.call(arguments, 1),
self = this,
nop = function() {
bound = function() {
return self.apply(this instanceof nop ? this : (obj || {}), args.concat(slice.call(arguments)));
nop.prototype = this.prototype || {}; // Firefox cries sometimes if prototype is undefined
bound.prototype = new nop();
return bound;
proto.bind = bind;