This is how I'm creating an exchange and binding a queue to it
<rabbit:topic-exchange id="dataExchange" name="MQ-EXCHANGE" durable="true">
<rabbit:binding queue="COMM_QUEUE" pattern="queue.*" />
I have read a lot of posts on the Internet where it is written that a message is also needed to be marked persistent if it is to be secured in case rabbitmq or the queue crashes. But I couldn't figure out how to mark my messages persistent.
This is how I'm publishing the messages to the queue
private RabbitTemplate template;
public void produceMessage(Object message, String routingKey) {
template.convertAndSend(routingKey, message);
I looked for different API methods to know this and also tried to look for any specific property that I could configure in the XML but couldn't find a way. Any guidance ?
The default delivery mode (in MessageProperties
. See here.
To make it non-persistent you need to use a convertAndSend(...)
method with a MessagePostProcessor
to set the deliveryMode property.