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Add validation summary

How can I add validation to tensorboard? I have written a wrappers for layers, like:

def convolution(input_data, kernel_shape, strides, activation, name=None):
    with tf.name_scope(name):
        kernel = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(kernel_shape, stddev=stddev), name="weights")
        bias = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([kernel_shape[-1]]), name="biases")

        conv = tf.nn.conv2d(input=input_data, filter=kernel, strides=strides, padding="SAME", name="convolutions")
        result = activation(tf.nn.bias_add(conv, bias), name="activations")

    tf.scalar_summary(name + "/mean", tf.reduce_mean(kernel))    
    return result

and use summary_op = tf.merge_all_summaries() in main. Also I have implemented train_op and valid_op, which both calls inference function. However, there appears an error that we have duplicate tags for scalar_summary, i.e. inference is used in both train_op and valid_op, which lead to duplication of, say, conv1/mean summary.

How can I make this work? I need is to run train and validation using the same function inference.


  • As the error suggests, you cannot have two summaries with the same tag. This happens in your case because you are calling tf.scalar_summary twice with the same tag, once when constructing the train_op and once when constructing the valid_op. Here is a possible solution : You can add a flag to your inference function, say is_training, to indicate that the code is being called to construct part of a training graph. You would have to thread that flag to all your layer functions. In convolution for instance, you should do the following :

    if is_training:
      tf.scalar_summary(name + "/mean", tf.reduce_mean(kernel))
    return result

    When constructing the train_op, you pass is_training=True, and when constructing the valid_op, you pass is_training=False. There is an example of such a programming pattern here in the Inception model.