When configuring the consul-server like this:
"acl_datacenter": "stable",
"acl_default_policy": "deny",
"acl_down_policy": "deny"
"datacenter": "stable",
"data_dir": "/consul/data",
"ui": true,
"log_level": "INFO",
"node_name": "consul",
"client_addr" : "",
"server": true,
"bootstrap": true,
so using a blacklist for everything, i can still list all services
curl http://consul:8500/v1/catalog/services
without providing a token - so using the anonymous token. Even if i add a explicit rule (which should not be needed)
service "" {
Still the same results. Same goes for listing nodes and anything else. I cannot list any KV though - so that is secured ( or add any ACL with the anon token ).
consul --version
Consul v0.6.4
Consul Protocol: 3 (Understands back to: 1)
The answer splits into 2 branches
Listing services is denied by ACL, but an exception is made for the consul service. So every other service would not show up
Source https://twitter.com/slackpad/status/750322795704352768
ACLs are yet not applied on nodes, thus you cannot secure the spying eyes on the nodes using ACL for now. See
Source https://twitter.com/slackpad/status/750323727330533376