I'm a macOS user and I got weird errors just to create a database with firebird. I saw that there are some dock containers with firebird that run just fine ( i was able to create databases, perform queries and so on) but when I tried to connect from my local ISQL or razorSQL client ( through JDBC), I get some weird errors like "unavailable database" or "can't open file"
I'm also not sure how ISQL CONNECT string really works because every site I saw there is a different one.
I got this docker image: ( https://hub.docker.com/r/jacobalberty/firebird/)
I created my container like this:
docker run -d --name firebird -p 3050:3050 -v /data/firebird/databases:/databases jacobalberty/firebird:2.5-ss
my docker-machine IP is:
I tried to connect like this:
CONNECT '' user 'SYSDBA' password 'masterkey';
unavailable database
And also like this:
CONNECT '' user 'SYSDBA' password 'masterkey';
connection rejected by remote interface
CONNECT '' user 'SYSDBA' password 'masterkey';
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 08001
unavailable database
When i enter the docker container, the file is there:
root@e4212b9f9d16:/databases# pwd
root@e4212b9f9d16:/databases# ls
Also, I'm not sure how to check if the firebird server is running ( i guess it is cause I can 'connect' to a database inside the container'.. but the docker container is definally up and running - did a successful telnet on the ip and port)
I also tried to use the container IP ( but i got a timeout
Im most familiar with mysql and SQLite never touched a firebird db before and as the user got this DB, i have to mock it, develop an app using fake data and then connect it to the real firebird (so changing the DB is not an option)
So, the standard documentation about 'create your firebird server' don't mention but you on firebird.conf, the variable RemoteBindAddress must be empty
Lines changed:
RemoteBindAddress =
#RemoteBindAddress = localhost
Thanks for all the