I wonder if anyone can explain the meaning of the Dom Sanitisation in Angular2 in my case:
The img case is fine, it just werks. The stylesheet will trigger an error like in the title. What the what? Why? Anyone?
<img *ngIf="css" [src]="css" style="height:64px;margin-right:8px">
<link *ngIf="css" rel="stylesheet" [href]="css">
is going to be renamed to DomSanitizer
in RC.6
Images are safe. There is an <img>
tag and that displays the image data, that's it. CSS can do much more. CSS can even add HTML https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/CSS/::after which is quite insecure.
To explicitly allow "unsafe" content use the sanitizer
import {DomSanitizationService} from '@angular/platform-browser';
return this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustStyle(style);
or use one of the other methods the sanitizer provides https://angular.io/docs/js/latest/api/platform-browser/index/DomSanitizationService-class.html
See also https://stackoverflow.com/a/37076868/217408 for an example pipe that allows to apply the bypassSecurityXxx
methods directly in bindings.