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How to change Options menu dots color for the theme "Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar"

To change the default option menu icon color(3 vertical dote), i have tried adding

<item name="android:textColorSecondary">@color/white</item>

But it doesn't make any change. I think it is not working coz my AppTheme parent is Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar. So can anybody help me on this?


  • The easiest way of doing it is by adding

    <item name="popupTheme">@style/ThemeOverlay.AppCompat.Light</item>


    <item name="popupTheme">@style/ThemeOverlay.AppCompat.Dark</item>

    to your primary Theme in order to change it to light or dark.

    EDIT: In order to add any color for the overflow icon you would have to override the actionOverflowButtonStyle like so:

    <style name="Theme.MyAppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.NoActionBar">
        <item name="actionOverflowButtonStyle">@style/OverFlow</item>
      <style name="OverFlow" parent="@style/Widget.AppCompat.Light.ActionButton.Overflow">
        <item name="android:src">@drawable/ic_overflow_icon</item>

    You can easily create your own overflow icon from websites like Android Asset Studio