I keep trying to google this, but the results I'm finding are just adding to my confusion. It seems that it can be possibly used for both? If so, which is it designed for by default and what needs to change to make it work the non-default way (whether that be directed or undirected)?
Edit: for reference, I had a problem last semester where I was given a list like this (airports):
I was told it was directed, and asked to find the shortest path. I put it into a Dijkstra's algorithm I found on Github (it was an open-computer midterm so we didn't have nearly enough time to write the algorithm from scratch) and my professor said the shortest path it returned was incorrect and that it was not even a possible path because the list was supposed to be directed. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to then modify the algorithm or the list to make this correction. It ended up being the case that the 2nd shortest path it returned was actually the directed shortest path, but I'm still wondering what the problem was.
It can be applied to both. Here is why:
An undirected graph is basically the same as a directed graph with bidirectional connections (= two connections in opposite directions) between the connected nodes.
So you don't really have to do anything to make it work for an undirected graph. You only need to know all of the nodes that can be reached from every given node through e.g. an adjacency list.