I recently installed Rational Software Architect Designer for WebSphere Software (RSA4WS) 9.5. I am trying to create a WAS 8.5 server within RSA, but...
I suspect that I haven't installed some feature set for RSA, but I've not found any downloads on IBM's Passport Advantage site that seem like they'd be what I would need. Since RSA4WS is basically Rational Application Developer (RAD) plus extra stuff, maybe downloading a package for RAD would do the trick -- but I don't know whether that's the case.
To complicate matters, for security reasons, my development PC is not Internet-connected, so I have to guess which downloads I need, download them, transfer the files to the development PC, and point Installation Manager to the (local) repository.
Does anyone have any advice? Thanks in advance!
You need to install WAS 8.5.5.x runtime separately. WAS 8.x testing environment is no longer included in the RAD/RSA installation itself. You can either:
IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 (x of 3) for Multiplatform Multilingual